Owning or living in RHA has benefits and obligations. Membership is part of the lot title/deed and is mandatory and automatic. RHA Lot Owners are responsible to the Reflection Homes Association; a Resale Disclosure Packet for each is required by RHA owners when selling their home.

Reflection Homes is a "Common Interest Community" part of a Property Owner's Association (POA). Every Lot in RHA is subject to the Virginia POA Act.

Sellers are required to disclose as part of their sales contracts that:

  1. The property is located within a development subject to the POA Act.

  2. The Act requires the seller to obtain a Resale Disclosure Packet from RHA and provide it to the purchaser.

  3. The purchaser may cancel the contract within 3 days after receiving the Disclosure Packet or being notified that it is “not available”

  4. The right to receive the Disclosure Packet and the right to cancel the contract is waived if not exercised before settlement.

A Disclosure Packet includes rules, restrictions, financials, and conditions governing the development, including any association fees that must be paid by an owner of a lot in the development. Both the Seller & Buyer need to be aware of this requirement, just in case their Real Estate Agent and Title Companies fail to ensure this packet is provided. Once the sale is complete, ignorance is not justification for failure to pay assessments, follow rules, or repair ACC issues ignored by the previous owner.

To obtain the resale disclosure packets request them from RHA’s Management Company: