Governing Law and Authority
Listed in order of authority
Draft Documents For Review & Comment
Virginia Property Owner’s Act
Virginia Property Owners Association Act contains the authorizing provisions for creation and operation of associations and outlines the general powers of associations, subject to the association’s governing documents.
Articles of Incorporation
The Articles of Incorporation set forth the basic tenets for operation of the Association, such as its corporate purposes and powers. Certain provisions of the Virginia Nonstock Corporation Act (“Nonstock Act”), § 13.1-801, et seq., also apply.
Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions (CC&Rs) recorded in Fairfax County land records. These documents contain the “basics” of the Association, including legal descriptions of the common area and lots and the authority to levy assessments. They also contain the explicit use restrictions which are imposed upon the lots within the Association and bind all owners and future purchasers of any lot within the Association. This document includes the First and Second Amendments to the CC&Rs
Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions (CC&R)
Bylaws document is not recorded, but is maintained as a corporate record. It contains most of the important obligations and powers related to operation of the common area and the Association.
The Architectural Standards provide guidance to owners for home modifications that are required to be approved by the Architectural Control Committee (ACC) or Board and require an application. The standards govern the expectations of owners and provides a framework for the decisions of the ACC. It is adopted by the Board, but is not voted upon by the owners.
To request a modification to your home, review the applicable Standards and submit a completed ACC application to
2024 - RHA Combined Architectural Standards
Architecture Standards
Resolution documents are adopted by the Board of Directors. Their purpose is to clarify or supplement provisions of the governing documents. The Board may amend its resolutions and rules from time to time as the Board carries out its management of the Association and common area.
Administrative Resolutions:
2000-01 Requirements for Board Members
2000-02 Requirements and Limitations for Legal Liaison
2000-04 Recreation Committee Member Terms
2000-05 Architecture Control Committee
2000-08 Maximum Annual Assessment
2001-10 Interim Authority of Acting President
01-2020 Annual Meeting Procedures
2021-1 Cost Schedule for Owner Access to Books and Records
2021-3 Street Ambassador Committee
2021-4 Guidelines For Electronic Meetings, Voting and Notice
2021-5 Covenant and Rule Enforcement: Notice and Hearing Procedures
Policy Resolutions:
2000-01 Dissolution of All Previous Resolutions
2000-04 Assessment Collection Policy
2000-06 Architecture Standards
2001-03 Classification of Resolutions
2001-09 Detached Single Family Home Trash and Garbage Collection
19 Procedures Relative to Collection of Delinquent Assessments
2023-002 Town Home Trash and Garbage Collection
2024-01-P - Classification of Resolutions
2024-02-P - Architectural Control Standards -Draft
2024-03-P - Video Recording Policy-Draft
2024 - 08 Notice of Architectural Standards & Policy Resolution Revisions/Adoptions - Postcard
2025-001-P Electric Vehicle Charger Policy Resolution